fora Essay Writing March 07, 2017 By: Natalie
There are a lot of phobias in the world to defend yourself with for not having written your essay on time. You can say you have a Hypengyophobia (fear of taking responsibility), a Didaskaleinophobia (fear of going to school), or even Papyrophobia (fear of paper). Your college professor might actually believe. But wouldn’t it be better to grow up, be smart and do your paper?
Continue reading...fora Study September 09, 2016
Everybody writes essays. It’s one of the most beloved types of writing. Kids writing papers in schools, students writing papers in colleges, adults writing papers to expose their thoughts and feelings and writers writing papers to say everything that can’t be said out loud. An essay can be represented in the form of art, a revolution,however yet, it could be just a formal writing. But certainly, it has its own voice and enough potential for shaping the view perspective worldwide.
Continue reading...fora Essay Writing August 15, 2016 By: Natalie
Let’s take the fear out of this daunting test by first explaining what it is. The SAT is a test used in the U.S. to determine eligibility and placement for college admissions. Our favorite online go-to, Wikipedia, tells us “it was first introduced in the United States…in 1926.”
Continue reading...Learn more on school placement through common FAQ.
Continue reading...fora Essay Writing July 20, 2016 By: Natalie
If you’re looking for some essay topic ideas, why not consider one of the most popular subjects among college students, video games? If you are passionate about this topic, such essay will be much easier to write. Who knows, you might even enjoy it. Of course, it isn’t enough to simply write about something that is interesting to you.
Continue reading...fora Study July 13, 2016 By: Natalie
Are you a book lover? If so, you aren’t alone. Bibliophiles are always on the search for their next novel. They bond with both characters in their favorite books, and the authors who write them. Going beyond that, many book lovers have a strong interest in book history, the lives of the authors they admire, and the stories behind the books they enjoy. If you spend more time on Goodreads than you do on Facebook, or you have composed an Oscar Wilde books list for your next vacation, you probably relate to all of this quite well.
Continue reading...fora Essay Writing July 07, 2016 By: Natalie
As much as we would like to think that technology will ultimately take the place of writing, that is not the reality yet, and all age groups will still be writing for years to come. Because of this, individuals who are not superior and exceptional writers will be well served to do those things that will improve their skills – for their personal and professional purposes. Locating and engaging in regular writing exercises will keep good skills intact and improve skills in other areas.
Continue reading...fora Essay Writing July 01, 2016 By: Natalie
If you are a student who wishes to study at a college or university in the United States, chances are you will be required to take the TOEFL exam as a part of your application process. TOEFL stands for “Test of English as a Foreign Language,” and it is designed to evaluate a person’s proficiency in English.
Continue reading...fora Essay Writing May 13, 2016 By: Natalie
Back in the early days of content marketing, content was published just for the sake of it. It was said that the more you publish, the odds of getting more shares grow, so that was the thing to do, at that time. There were no clear benchmarks on the frequency and volume of posts, no accurate metrics pointing what should one do to benefit from optimal performance. However, that has changed; now you can take advantage of being acquainted with current benchmarks.
Continue reading...fora Study May 10, 2016 By: Natalie
Nowadays, there has been a growing preference towards working from home, versus working in an office. In fact, about 2.6 percent of the United States’ population works from home, at the time being. Rumor has it that working from home might make you more productive, as opposed to working in an office. On that account, you might have considered this option yourself. However, before taking the plunge, it’s common-sense to get acquainted with the pros and cons of working from home.
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